I love today's bullet point because I believe it is one of the most important bullet points for improvement. The crux of the issue is that we don't want to get too stuck in the past, and we need to be gentle with ourselves when we don't meet our expectations.
In the last nine days, I feel that I have started to improve my life, and I am getting in touch with who I am and would like to continue to be for the rest of my life. I have had incredible self-growth periods in the past, but I failed to incorporate those improvements consistently. I believe it was because I was forced back into a paradigm that didn't work for me. I have a feeling this system isn't working for a lot of individuals.
The rates of depression and drug use are through the roof. Covid showed us the breaks in the supply chain and how we are one disaster away from a forced systems change. Before that happens, let's prepare ourselves by becoming stronger and thinking outside the box.
Reflecting on what we can change in our life will help us adapt to change in the future. If we can learn to change, then it's like learning to read. A whole new world can open. We can figure out what we have been doing wrong, keep track of what we have tried in the past, and make changes in the future. The key is to be constructive.
For example, I have wanted to add a salad daily to my eating habits and cut out sugary treats. I have been able to do that consistently since I made that my goal. So reflecting on that example has been bliss.
On the flip side, I have not been falling asleep at my goal time, and I am not sure what in my lifestyle is preventing me from doing so. I have learned to speak to myself more gently. I figured out that I was talking to myself harshly in the morning, and this only worsened the issue by setting the wrong tone for the day. I am now looking at what I have changed to see if I can roll back those changes. I am also looking at how to reduce stress throughout the day.
Reflection should be a constructive and positive experience. With great reflection can come great improvement.
For the corresponding YouTube vlog, please visit:
To download the Healthy Life Foundation Chart, please visit: https://97461399-580c-4d0b-97a4-b8c1ebacdd68.filesusr.com/ugd/fb8939_a2f84a1265ea4187914da3d378e91f00.pdf
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