I am super excited that I have made it through the first 14 days of this journey. Today I received messages from the Holy Spirit that I am on the right path. I also finished the first version of my website. Tomorrow I am going to be offering services online and locally.
I have also decided that I am going to be staying in Las Vegas until I am ready to start the next leg of my journey. This isn't my forever home, as I see myself ending up in Northern California again. However, for the time being, I need to explore other communities to develop myself. I will eventually go to the east coast, Europe, and possibly the middle east before I settle back in California.
I am learning to follow my heart and channel my emotions more positively through this journey. I am still fighting my logical mind, but that is probably part of my conditioning from all the degrees I have obtained. Healing is my number one priority, and I am very hopeful that I will recruit others to join me.
For the corresponding YouTube vlog, please visit: https://youtu.be/ZieTtrtp5b0
To download the Healthy Life Foundation Chart, please visit: https://97461399-580c-4d0b-97a4-b8c1ebacdd68.filesusr.com/ugd/fb8939_a2f84a1265ea4187914da3d378e91f00.pdf
Join the Revolution!!!